i have been told that many people want my job....which is a freelancer. notwithstanding the fact that it is not all roses, champaigne, caviar and cash, i think there are a few things people need to note about freelancing.
you actually need to work. yup, surprised werent u? there is absolutely no guarantee that your next meal is going to be on the table and because of that, most of the time, you have to work extra hard just to earn some decent respect.
be willing to learn, be resourceful! Please! When i first got started, i was beyond desperate to find anything to do that i invested in two huge books. adobe photoshop and adobe illustrator. i was thinking, if writing wasnt gonna bring me money, i am gonnz have to be more than just a writer. i am going to be both writer and designer so that people saw value in hiring me.
i am therefore quite sad when people asked me for jobs or ways to make money without the will to learn and find out about things! Look, everyone wants the quick and easy way and believe me, unless your lucky stars are smiling, making money aint gonna happen. this is coming from some people who are quite desperate to make money too.
i guess they are not desperate enough.
good nite,