I just read that Jennifer Aniston, a keen yoga practitioner, gave Oprah Winfrey...yes, THE Oprah, a yoga mat for her birthday or something. How interesting...and I am wondering if Oprah is ever gonna be using the mat. Hope she does.
Why? Because considering the fact that Oprah leads a (multi million gazillion dollar) hectic life, it would do her wonders, I am assuming.
You know why I love yoga?
Yoga forces me to do things the way I don't want to do things. On a normal day, my mind is consistently ticking. it's thinking of something....almost always. When I slow down, I chastise myself. I HAVE to do something productive. I can't stop. If I stop, I fail. Do something...now now NOW! NOWWWW!!!
And Yoga slows all of that for me.
Before I step on the mat, I often feel resistance. 'Don't do the yoga thing, Marsha. It's really not productive and it's going to test your patience. And you're born lacking in patience, it's gonna be frustrating.'
And I tell myself to shut up.
The very moment I step on the mat, I move into a whole different world. It begins with slowing down and focusing on each movement, each muscle that I need to use and then the stretching of it. And then I itch to move into a new pose. I struggle with each thought. 'Move it', 'No', 'It's eight seconds already! Next move!', 'No.', 'Bitch.', 'I know', 'Come on, it's been one minute. Enough, isn't it?', 'No.', 'Eff off!', 'No.' "Fine!!', 'Good.'
It's fantastic because I learn to REALIZE a sensation (like an itch that appeared out of nowhere at the back of your thigh), feeling it and then resisting the urge to scratch it. Yoga is so all encompassing that it not only trains your body to hold it there but it also trains your mind to let things go.
Letting go. Who would have thought that it is one of the hardest things to do, huh? =) Well, you YOUNG punksters out there reading this....it IS!
Yoga rocks.