It wasn't a bad year in the business sense and it wasn't a really terrible year either, personally but, somehow, I spent those 365 days learning something new. Here they are, in the nutshell.
- I am the most important person to me. Next, my kids. Then my family. Business is important but it has taken up the number 1 spot for the longest time. So, for 2010 rearranging my priorities
- I can say no.
- I have to trust people. One of my biggest problems, actually.
- Fine-tune my goals
- Be more 'there' with my kids
- Focus
- Every single one of my friends is a blessing. I am sorry for having neglected you guys all this while. And thank you for still being here and willing to be my friend, despite me being an ass and all
- Family will be there even when you are a biatch to them
- I am not indestructible. I am human
- I love me