This is how a conversation with myself went....about a villain in one of my little stories. It's interesting how I manage to argue myself out of writing anything bad about ANYBODY in the story. But if I don't, the story would be utterly, positively and irrefutably BORING.
You can't write that! The poor girl is just too nice to be injured like that.
OK, I'll write off the guy who spat the gum on the side of the road then.
But what did HE do to deserve that?
O.....Kay.....let's forget about that plot then. How about the girl dumps the guy for her sister's boyfriend and ends up getting VD....
No, not that guy. He bought the girl a necklace, remember? It must really hurt him to be dumped just like that. Pick another guy.
Fine, the brother then.
He just got admitted into the hospital. And now you want to dump him? Oh, come on. You're so cruel to this character! Why?
Because you're bloody getting on my nerves, Marsha! Fine, you pick one.
Er....OK. I'll pick the lizard on the wall. She accidentally sprays insecticide on the lizard and she cries for weeks about it. So tragic, right?
*slaps head, roll eyes, keel over and give up*