I was kind of a little sad when I read the news about this - there will be no live-in Indonesian maids in Malaysia anymore . There are pros and cons to having a live-in maid, as with everything else, but for us, we enjoyed more pros than cons. Back then, when my kids were little, we brought in a family of maids to help with...well, just about everything, and we were like two families merged into one. They ate what we ate, we sleep, they sleep, we shop, they shop, they joke, we laugh, we joke, they laugh...for me, the maid I hired was more like a sister and side-kick to me. For that few years, I was dependent on her to mind-read my schedule and when I need or don't need help. She picked things up quickly and we ended up having lots of moments whereby we were in sync. Today, two of them are on my Facebook and we were gleefully chatting over Facebook Messenger since they've just discovered the wonders of the Internet and Social Media. Since we were more like partners in crim...
I think there's still a lot of value obtained from the tough work hours. A lot of humility and respect for the value of life.
To work your butt off and get no chance to enjoy the fruits of your hard labour is horrible.
I do NOT wanna earn millions at the expense of working the rest of my life for something I dont enjoy doing.That defeats the purpose!
You are only alive for these short moments on earth b4 you die.I've senen many frens sacrifice their quality time with their kids for 'more money'.
Kids dont need really your money, but they need YOU! The time you spend time talking, nurturing and teaching them etc...these are values that money cant buy.
Marsha....have you ever heard me complaining and whining about my life? I mean, EVER??
Sure...I can earn 5 figure a month by teaching advanced and high grade piano students...but to do that will mean I'll sacrifice a lot of time for what? MOney??
No no...no thanks!
Let me be...earning a humble few thousand Ringgit a month BUT I get:
1) to enjoy cooking daily. I love trying out new dishes.
2) to spend quality time with my son
3) to have time to write new songs and be creative
4) to do more recordings at home
5) to have the luxury of avoiding jams at rush hours
6) to do Yoga without rush
7) enjoy life without stress
8) to play my newfound love daily which is Erhu. It is very therapeutic when I play it.
9) to be there for my family more often than other men
Killer Guy
janice, ended up in the hospital??? for what? yeah, I earned myself a nice little title as a 'hypertension' patient too...believe it or not.
killer guy, i know where you're coming from and I agree!
maya, LOVE IT! creative slowness! love it!