I’ve nothing against them, honestly, I don’t. I just can’t figure out something. You see, some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths with loaded parents and they are born in a pool of cash. As much as it is none of their fault, I am wondering if they ever feel the pain of being penniless.
Some people have it all good from the word ‘go’ – sure, I’m jealous as hell because, imagine if I was Paris Hilton, I can do any-bloody-thing I want and nobody gets to say anything about it! Well…the paparazzi can but the extent of damage they can do is only merely superficial. At the end of the day, she still has all the money in the world and people still bow to her when she enters a room, right?
People like Paris don’t know what it is to be penniless, have nothing to their name…how are they to know the true value of money unless it is through the eyes of another? Have they ever experienced the pain and stress of having nothing in one’s wallet with waiting mouths to feed? Have they ever been forced to sit out an outing ‘watching’ their friends drink and be merry while they pretend to have a tummy ache? Have they ever walked past electrical shops thousand of times over to feel an ache in their hearts because they yearn for those five-thousand bucks home theatre system?
To be honest with you, when I first stated out writing, I almost bled to death because of stress. I remember one time I had all of RM30 (USD10 plus-minus) and my son was running out of diapers. At that time, we were not doing so good. If I bought the diapers, that would cut me down to RM10 for the rest of the week. I didn’t have a car (was living with my in-laws) and I had a kid (at that time), nowhere to go and no food to eat.
Anyway, without writing a memoir of how one ass-headed donkey writer who didn’t know jack-s&#t about how to save money and nearly died of starvation, let’s just say that it was painful and the memory will continue to remind me of what would happen if I was really irresponsible again. Those bleak moments, instead of bringing me down, always serve as a pick-me-up instead. I revel in the fact that I did not die and am still here writing up a storm!
I don’t know if those jewelry-pawning days are over or if credit card bills are ever going to dominate my nightmares again, but I would say they played a huge role in determining who I am today.
So, back to Paris.I know...the picture of her is so mean....but so? Am I wrong? Can I not be mean when she's filthy rich? PPPPHHHHHTTTHHHH......
Where was I? Oh. Yeah. Her.
Does she (apart from her short tenure in a very comfortable and luxurious jail cell) know what poverty is all about? I bet she writes checks more than she writes proposals or pen songs.
No, I think she thinks spending money and swiping her card is exercise. Ssshhhh….I can hear her.“But dddaaadddd….I did exercise!”
Here’s what I think. Even if we’re blinding rich in this life, right now or in the future, it’s our job to help our kids deal with their finances in the future. My downfall had, partly, to do with my partying ways and was partly due to my lack of education and information. From what I can see right now, I don’t have much to worry about as far as Elder Son is concerned. Instead, I have my younger easy-spender one to watch.
Although money is not everything, that doesn’t make it alright to be irresponsible about it. And finally, education begins at home.