These past few days have been nothing but tiring. Sure enough, school started liao and I can now have a few hours a day free from arguments, screaming, and mad-cap running around. But this also means that I have to wake up at 6am and feeling like dosing off in the middle of the day. Then there's the non-stop cooking and cleaning.
That's why, now, I am very strict about my "official' working hours. After toiling inside the kitchen, on the computer and cleaning up after the kids, it's time to sit back and relax. I am a fan of this herbal decaf tea which they claim to be 100% natural called Celestial Seasonings. I also like the herbal tea from Marks and Spencer's as well. Very rich and aromatic. On Celestial Seasoning' s box, there's this really nice quote that I want to share with everyone.
There are three material things, not only useful, but essential to life. No one 'knows how to live' till he has got them. These are pure air, water and earth. There are three immaterial things, not only useful but essential to life. No one knows how to live till he has got them also. These are admiration, hope and love. Admiration - the power of discerning and taking delight in what is beautiful in visible form and lovely in human character; and , necessarily, striving to produce what is beautiful in form and to become what is lovely in character. Hope - the recognition, by true foresight, of better things to be reached hereafter, whether by ourselves or others; necessarily issuing in the straightforward and undisappointable effort to advance, according to our proper power, the gaining of them. Love - both of family and neighbor, faithful and satisfied- John Ruskin. Yum char. Yum char..... (drink tea, drink tea) By the way, the featured box is Chamomile + Vanilla + Honey flavored tea. Absolutely caffeine-free. My personal favorite!
It also relaxes the muscles and gives a light 'feeling' after you drink it.
I drink the Boh Camomile tea almost every morning. Great to start off your day..and drink one more cup b4 bed time.
Killer guy
but for me, I go for organic herb decaf ones....if not, i will be up all night and defeats my beat-caffeine effort.