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Is there anything apart from casinos and 7-11 in Macau?

As mentioned earlier, before I left for Macau-HK, my kids were suffering from a major flue and cough virus thing. On the day I left, their temperatures were still heaving up and down the scale. When the plane landed in Macau, there were two things that I felt that were very intense. One, the cold. Two, a headache. The temperature was somewhere between -1000 to –1,000,000! I don’t know…that’s what it felt like because my sinus was acting up, my nose was blocked and there was a massive fridge lodged inside my Medula Oblongata (part of the brain, in case you’re curious).

I had a massive and old luggage which was inherited from my in-laws. It was a sturdy thing but it was massive as well. I mean GIGANTIC. It wouldn’t fit into just any normal car booth, OK and when every taxi I had to fit the luggage into went like, “Give me the giant one first!” or “Wah….who’s one is that?” It’s big for a very good reason….it’s pretty damn tough. But it takes Air Asia staff to put a dent into it and topple everything inside of it. By the time I reach Macau airport, and I had to look into the luggage for my antibiotics and meds, I couldn’t find it….everything was upside down! Can sue or not?

There’s really nothing and I mean NOTHING to do in Macau at night unless you’re into gambling or just cam whoring. I suspect that this is the kind of place my father would love….casino everywhere. According to one taxi driver, the kids in Macau don’t even have to dream very far. All they have to dream about is becoming a croupier in a casino! He told us that a croupier can earn up to HKD$16,000 a month and went like WAHLAU-eh!! Sure or not???? Like dat I train my sons to be croupier from now lah. Maybe in twenty over years time, they will make it in Macau. Not too bad what! We had dinner in an OK restaurant with a name I cannot remember then walked around a bit.

Shops selling dried stuff and....more dried stuff

Shops? Nothing. Gold watches. Money changers. Gold watches. Money changers. 7-11s. so we walked and walked and walked. Slept at about 1-something lor….nothing to do. in the morning, we took a cab to visit the one and only historical (I think) place in Macau which is the ruins of St. Louis or St. Paul….or St. Something. Dry and boring. But as we walked down the sloping streets, we haggled and bought some dried stuff for home and the old folks back home. Kinda interesting since this isn’t exactly up my forte, if you know what I mean! All kinds of seafood all wrinkled up and sun-dried. I remember seeing stuff like that in my in-laws’ home and I guess this would make the perfect souvenir for them. Who knew the bloody dried stuff would cost so much. Thankfully, we bought in bulk and the owner gave us a discount.

Conclusion, apart from the casinos and the number of 7-11s in Macau, it’s not very different from…..say, Penang Island in Malaysia. Small roads, nice people, food, seaside, a little bit of shopping, old and historical buildings. Yup. That’s all I saw of Macau. But after lunch, we were going to hop on the ferry to cross the divide to Hong Kong. First time….so, it was pretty interesting for me.

To prove that we have been to Macau, we (me and my sister, Karen) HAD to take a picture in front of a casino even though we didn't even go in!

Interesting because I had a luggage the size of a truck and there are no lifts at the terminal. Interesting because there are no gentlemen in Macau or in Hong Kong even when they see a damsel in distress struggling with a huge luggage (maybe I am not pretty enough, that’s why!). Interesting because I found out a fact later on that chilled my blood.

7 of us went. One using the camera....which is Cynthia. From left under....Ann, Ivy, Karen, me, Sharon, Vivienne.


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