I know a lot of people do it. Blogging for money but I’ve never done for a reason but am considering it now. Since I fervently blog, anyway, what’s my cheese, right? Well, you see. I blog-hop quite a lot and have a few favorite blogs that I usually visit. Some of them have high quality blog posts, funny blog posts, controversial blog posts….I like. But there’s something I don’t like….blog posts that sounds totally like an advertisement!
The quality of a blog drops, I think, if the pay per blog thing is not handled carefully. Readers need to be made aware of the fact that you’re now posting for money….which could alter the tastefulness of the blog. For instance, there was once this blog that I visit often, and then suddenly, she/he claimed that she/he used some kind of interior designer for her/his home displaying wonderful pictures. At that time, I just moved to my new abode and was seriously interested in her/his review.
Then a couple of clicks on later, I found out that the interior designer was located in the US and that the blog post I read was a paid one. Damn!
Payperpost. Should I blog for money? Kinda distorts the purpose of blogging, doesn’t it? Maybe can do it in between or something lor, rite? Sad to say, credibility was lost there.
I think blogging for money is a good thing – since you’re already blogging and writing already, anyway, why not make money out of it, rite? Right. But you have to inform your readers that you’re going to be blogvertising from now on and that some of the posts may sound a little funny and nonsensical. It’s a fine line, actually. You have to choose the topic of the pay-per-post thing very carefully…make sure you have something REAL and nice to say about the thing and then blog mindfully about it.
This is the only way I can think of to use the pay-per-post service. By the way, I think I might consider trying out pay-per-post. I don’t want to sound cheesy and if I do, please slap me across the blog (since you can’t reach my face)!
Having said that, that's prolly why I haven't done it yet... worry it will just look cheesey. :P
But as the One Who Blogs, you determine what you want to do ma, so if you want to, go ahead with it! :D