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Kids are being treated like race horses these days

Today UPSR results came out right? For non-Malaysians, UPSR is a National exam that all 12-year-olds go through. Anyway, I don't have a 12-year-old and I don't really like reading the papers, so, I was quite unaware of the fact that the results for the exam was coming out today. But everything was abuzz when I was at my music school today. There were aunties hunched over cafeteria tables whispering suspisciously amongst each other. There were jubilant kids running around the ground floor throwing water at each other. Some aunties were hanging around the mamaks in serious discussions. I didn't know what all the buzz was about so I hurried my sorry, late ass to class. After the class, things became clear again.....the results are out and everyone's comparing their kids' results! Mothers on cell phones congratulating or consoling other mothers about their kids' results. I don't remember my parents going through such a thing wor. I mean, sure thing, they were concerned and kept asking me me about my results. My aunts and uncles would call and ask my parents how the results were and all that. That's different. It's apparent to me that these mothers (primarily mothers, I would have to say) are comparing their kids with how many A's this, how many A's that. This is kid is better than that kid. This kid's got this many tuition classes. Blah blah blah....... Seriously, folks. Although I played hard all throughout my schooling years, I did OK for my exams. The point is that I've got this friend with a daughter who got 4As out of the 5 papers she took and this girl is PLAYFUL and raised in a very Western method because they've been living abroad for a long time, hence, her mother refuses to believe in our local educational system and won't resort to comparing her kid with others. She's got a grand total of ONE tuition for her Bahasa because she came back to Malaysia when she was about 8 or 9 and her Bahasa's a understandably a little weak. And that's it. I am proud of her. Those aunties and tai-tais can continue compare their kids with other kids. As far as I am concerned, these mothers do not know that they are treating their kids like race horses! You got number what, you leh, you leh, you leh!? Aiyo, should have signed up tuition this, should have had extra class that..... Gggggrrr........ Kids are not race horses! Kids are kids....let them be! Malaysian mothers are really one kind these days!


Anonymous said…
Almost all aunties/tai- tais have this retarded 'disease' of comparing their kids' results with other kids'.

This is the infamous Singaporean kiasu syndrome that is slowly but surely hitting our Malaysian Aunties. hehehe...

I cant stand these stupid retarded Aunties with their kiasu-ism. Good that you're not like them Marsha. After're no Auntie. You're a killer girl! hehehe...

killer guy
Anonymous said…
It's really sad for the kids because they feel they need to achieve to make their parents proud but if they don't they probably feel condemned.

Sadly this 'disease' has spread to Western countries inundated by Asians.
Anonymous said…
killer, ya lah! really cannot tahan man!!!! I hear also want to slap them and really pity their kids, you know! poor things. if they do well, fine and dandy. if they don't, you see lah, their parents sure compare compare and give their kids a lot of pressure wan.

judy, yup. so sad for them. no life like that. imagine the kind of pressure they feel. if they don't perform better than the neighbor's kids, sure feel very small and don't dare to tell the results wan. poor thing, rite?

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