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4.10.2007 comes only once

Very simple conversation. Joshua: Mom, what date is it today? Me: Er.....4th of Oct 2007 Joshua: Means..... Me: (sigh) four dot ten dot two zero zero seven Joshua: Oh. Thanks, mom (Joshua proceeds to write the date down in his exercise book) (Joshua pauses, raises his head) Joshua: Mom, how many times do we get to have four dot ten dot two zero zero seven Mom: Huh? Once? Joshua: Only once? Mom: Yup Joshua: Mom, that's sad Mom: Why? Joshua: That means, we cannot come back to today, right? Mom: Right How true. Today. Once gone, we cannot come back to today. 4.10.2007 happens only once. So does 5.10.2007, 6.10.2007, 7.10.2007...etc. So, since he's only got one childhood in this lifetime, why put him through so much pressure going through a grossly outdated schooling system that doesn't work for him? Why torture him when he's only got one 4.10.2007? He's got lots of years ahead for him to be tortured and this is the time when he should carefree and learning. I have to say that there's probably nothing wrong with the schooling works for lots of people. But sadly, some people are not made that way. Everyone learns in a different way - that's why we're individuals and that's why we have our own individual characters. Instead of forcing him into a forte he's not comfortable in, why not let him learn the way he learns best? Joshua is a creative individual who thrives when he is given the chance to explore, come up with ideas and get creative. Forced in a Chinese education system, he shuts down. He shut himself out for many years now and it's time to take him out. It's not working. So, the idea now is to remove him from the current school and we are just going to have to go private. Private school means more money....LOTS of money! It's crazy but this is how his brain works, so, we're just gonna have to deal with it his way. He's got only one chance to be young, why waste it.


Jamie said…
you are his mum...whatever decision you make will be for his betterment....private school, private school la....better than shutting down, becoming a recluse and losing interest in studies.

I for one thinks that its a very good decision on your part cuz.
Anonymous said…
Really? Major sacrifice, but mom knows best! :)

Sometimes I wonder what if we don't push our child in school. I mean, if she get last, mai get last lor. Someone has to get last anyway. Will it be any better? I don't like to push my girl. I tell her, just do her best. I don't tell her she must get 100 marks, nor that she must get higher than so-and-so. I will point out to her when she makes silly mistakes (like small letter when there should be capital) but I will never punish her for wrong answers.

At the very least, I don't want her to dread and detest school, esp at primary level. I want her to remember the fun times with schoolfriends (I for one, can only remember playing masak-masak with leaves and twigs, and chasing with my classmates. Not how many As I got.. this was in primary school BTW! The chasing in sec school was another ballgame altogether.. hehehe..) So if we as parents, are not kancheong, do you think the teachers will pressure them as much??
Marsha Maung said…
jamie, yeah....i dont want him to shut down. as it is, he's totally not interested in learning, that's why the drastic step. I want to get him interested again. i want him to know that it's not too hard. thanks for support.

kat, you dont know lah, i am not a kan-cheong person esp not about school. but you listen to all those parents standing outside the gate there's like their kids are fighting to become president, you know! i am serious! it's the parents, not really the teacher. the more they 'tekan', the more the teachers 'tekan'. The other day, I just saw a girl in Josh's tuition crying buckets and budkets because she cannot finish her work and have no time to study for her exam.

AIyoh, come on lah. these kids are only 7 years old, for crissakes. get them outside and play a little more, rite or not?

private school is more holistic and small group, so, that's where my hope is.

Marsha Maung said…
one more thing....test wanna come already but homework like a small tower on the dining table. you know the kids have to study for their coming exam, then dont give so much work, rite or not.

josh's tuition teacher also said this, "Ya lah, the chinese school here changed so much already. The school is like a pressure cooker. Last time not like this wan. It's too competitive already and not really good news like that"

Anonymous said…
Good on you for understanding your son. Give him an environment that you know he will thrive well.

Having said that, there are many kids out there who will not get this opportunity because their parents either cannot see beyond the square box or simply can't afford the environment for the children.
Marsha Maung said…
me also cannot afford lah but heck, what to do? mm-tung just sit here and pretend he's learning something from the school system? he's got a bunch of OK friends there but that's about it.

what to do? my father will do anything to give his children a good education. and me will do same thing. beg, borrow or steal.

nowadays doing a lot of math....calculating size of big hole in bank account
nyonyapenang said…
Hi Marsha,

I have lost touch with the school system already but if what I heard and picked up from colleagues and friends about their kids in school, is anything to go by, I'd think its all getting a bit 'unhealthy'.

All said, you're the mom, you know best. :)

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