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Oh Shit or Oh Yeah

What's the first thing you think of when you wake up? Is it 'Oh Shit' or is it 'Oh Yeah!'? Or is it 'Urgh!' I think most of the time, I wake up with an 'Urgh!' and then followed by 'Oh Shit' and then at night when the kids go to sleep, I say 'Oh yeah!'. :-) It's important to wake up with a positive mind, says the expert and they're right. Most of us will have problems looking in the mirror in the morning with puffy eyes and smelly breath saying 'Oh yeah' but if we put a little effort into it, it's possible. I say this because recently, I realized how important it is for stressed-out folks like us (read: me) to make an effort to think positive right from the start. The moment we get up, if we start positive, chances are, when negative things are thrown our way, we tend to keep that positive streak in us to last us until Happy Hour. Every time our mind is filled with negative thoughts, every time we feel a negative aura creeping in, throw it out with a positive thought. I normally take 2nd son to son via a route that goes past this ORANG KAYA PUNYA TEMPATE (rich man's place) and the traffic is usually very clear and I take less than 15 minutes to drive to and back to home. But nowadays, it takes 45 mins. Because I started out with an 'Oh yeah', I swore at no one even when they unreasonably cut into my lane because they're late for work. I didn't honk when the SSSTTTTOOOOPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEDDDDDD lorry driver barreled his way in front of me. I kept a smile on (forced one, nevertheless) when some stupid drivers make three lanes out of one making me wait forever for my turn. All because of one traffic light. Recently, they placed a traffic light in front of the ORANG KAYA PUNYA TEMPAT now so that those rich people can come out into the busy lane easier. Now, normal folks like us....normal people like us earning enough to feed the kids....have to suffer. 98% suffer for the 2% who have drivers and polis (police) on motorbikes and loud sirens waving their way through. And yet, because I started out positive....looked at my own image in the mirror and said 'HWAITING!', I was OK wor. Normally would have come down and broken someone's window liao but no. When you start the morning OK, I think, for the rest of the day, you're going to be OK. I think so. But in my own blog I can swear, right? F*** THOSE RICH BASTARDS! Not enough that they have drivers...they sit in the back reading their blardie papers while the Ahmad (drivers) drive, they have police bikes putting on sirens so that we can make way for them, now they have traffic light so that they get driven to work like the BLARDIE world is theirs. What, man?! Ahem. But like I said, starting right is important. Smile at yourself in the morning and say 'HWAITING!', ok? Anyway, I am not taking that stupid route again.


Jamie said…
cuz, I always wake up with " SHIT! where to get a medical cer ar?"

I dunno bout you but one thing I cannot tolerate are Sunday Drivers!!! Please understand that it is ok if they want to drive at a snial's pace but do it on the proper lane la. No one is asking them to speed or drive fast ma...just 2 according to the speed limit OR fuck off to the slow lane.

BUT no matter how many Sunday Drivers I meet, I always have a ready smile for my colleagues when I reach the office. No point screwing up the world just because one feels like crap huh?

You are also quite right about the rich datuks, Tan Sris and what nots....KNN...we also pay Road Tax, Income Tax, Sex tax and whatever tax that they choose to throw at us need to show us that you are not our equal ma...

They can go to hell for all I care...that goes for all the crony "G" bastards as well...HAHAHAHAHA

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