Image source: I have right about 60 days to my birthday so, I decided to do something a little different. It's not that I think I can or that someone should give me birthday presents or anything like. It's not that I think I am important but I think HUMAN BEINGS are important as horrible as SOME beings can be . But here's my birthday feed the poor. Food is life...that's my philosphy. Whatever one person is going through, there is no such thing as going hungry when there are so many people, restaurants, normal folks like you and me, politicians, celebrities of all faith and walks of life can go about eating three square meals a day (sometimes more) and have enough to throw away. Everyone should have enough to fuel their bodies so that they can continue fending for themselves and (possibly) make a difference. I am also a big fan of Jamie Oliver'...
Blog of a freelance writer, mother, performer, blog ghost writer based in Malaysia.